Bail Bond Amounts by Charge

Most people know that when someone gets arrested,

they have to pay a bail bond to get released. What may not be so obvious is where these bail bond amounts come from and what they are based upon. Each offense comes with it an official criminal charge, and it can either be a misdemeanor or felony. Depending on the level of the misdemeanor or felony determines the potential punishment, and it all plays into that initial bail bond amount.

While many offenses may start out at a certain level, there could be some factors that would make it a higher charge, which is known as an offense being enhanced. When that happens, the bail bond amount will be enhanced (meaning higher) as well. Aspects such as criminal history and previous convictions play a huge role in whether a charge will be enhanced, as well as other reasons to be discussed further.

Not every single offense that is considered a crime in Texas is included in the following lists. It is a breakdown of the most common ones, along with some other ones that are worth knowing about. Any potential enhancements will be explained, including the prospective bail bond amounts for those charges.

Class C Misdemeanors, Enhancements, and Bail Bond Amounts

The lowest level of an offense that someone can be charged with is a Class C misdemeanor. The punishment according to Sec. 12.23 of the Texas Criminal Penal Code states, “An individual convicted of a Class C misdemeanor shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500”. There is no bail bond amount in this case, and the defendant is released to appear for a court date.

    1. Traffic Tickets

There is no bail bond amount, and the defendant is released to appear.

    1. Public Intoxication

There is no bail bond amount, and the defendant is released to appear.

    1. Possession of Alcoholic Beverage in a Motor Vehicle

The reality of this offense is that it is only going to be charged in conjunction with a DWI. It will automatically become enhanced to a Class B misdemeanor when that happens. Bail bond amounts for a Class B misdemeanor in this range from $1,000 – $3,000.

    1. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

There is no bail bond amount, and the defendant is released to appear.

    1. Bail Jumping And Failure To Appear

If you are charged with a Class C offense, the maximum punishment is a fine, so your court appearance (or missing it) is punishable by a fine only as well. If you are charged with a Class B or Class A misdemeanor, and you do not show up for one of those court dates, the Bail Jumping and Failure to Appear Charge will be enhanced to Class A misdemeanor charge. The bail bond amounts for a Class A misdemeanor charge will be closer to $3,000. If it is a felony court appearance that you miss, you will be charged with a 3rd-degree felony for failing to appear, and the bail bond amount will be closer to $10K.

    1. Failure To Identify

If you are approached by a police officer, and they ask you to identify yourself and you do not, you could be charged with a Class C misdemeanor, and be released to appear. However, if you have been detained or arrested, and you still refuse to identify yourself, you can be charged with a Class B misdemeanor finding yourself with around a $1,000 bail bond, or a Class A misdemeanor and a $3,000 bail bond.

    1. Leaving A Child In A Vehicle

There is no bail bond amount, and the defendant is released to appear.

    1. Criminal Mischief

Depending on the amount of monetary loss, this offense can go up to a 1st-degree felony (with every charge in between). It could be as low as a $0 bail bond for a Class C misdemeanor, with a release to appear, or the bail bond could be as high as $30K in the case of a 1st-degree felony.

    1. Reckless Damage Or Destruction

There is no bail bond amount, and the defendant is released to appear.

    1. Graffiti

Depending on the amount of monetary loss, this offense can be enhanced to a 1st Degree Felony (with every charge in between). It could be as low as a $0 bail bond for a Class C misdemeanor, with a release to appear, or the bail bond could be as high as $30K in the case of a 1st-degree felony. If someone is charged with graffiti to a school, university, church, community center, or public monument, the offense is a State Jail Felony. The bail bond amount for a State Jail Felony can range from $3000-$8000.

    1. Disorderly Conduct

As a Class C misdemeanor, there is no bail bond amount, and the defendant is released to appear. This offense is enhanced to a Class B misdemeanor when a deadly weapon is displayed or discharged. Then the bail bond amount ranges from $1,000-$3,000.

    1. Assault

If someone threatens another person with imminent bodily injury or causes physical contact with another who would regard the contact as offensive, this is when an assault charge is classified as a Class C misdemeanor. There is no bail bond amount, and the defendant is released to appear back in court. It gets enhanced to a Class A misdemeanor when someone causes bodily injury to another. A bail bond amount for this can range from $5,000-$15K. If the alleged assault is on a public servant or peace officer, or if it involves impeding breathing or circulation, it will be enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony. Bail bond amounts for those charges range from $10K-$20K. Because these offenses have a victim involved and are considered to be morally wrong, the bail amounts will be closer to the higher end of the spectrum.

    1. Theft

This offense can be enhanced depending on the value of the property stolen, going all the way up to a 1st-degree felony (with every charge in between). It could be as low as a $0 bail bond for a Class C misdemeanor, with a release to appear, or the bail bond could be as high as $30K in the case of a 1st-degree felony.

    1. Theft of Service

Theft of service is when someone doesn’t pay for a service that they know is provided only for compensation. This can become enhanced depending on the value of the service stolen, going all the way up to 1st-degree felony (with every charge in between). It could be as low as a $0 bail bond for a Class C misdemeanor, with a release to appear, or the bail bond could be as high as $30K in the case of a 1st-degree felony.

    1. Organized Retail Theft

Depending on the total value of the merchandise involved in the activity will determine the class of the charge. This offense could start at a Class C misdemeanor, and go all the way up to a 1st-degree felony (with every other charge in between). It could be as low as a $0 bail bond for a Class C misdemeanor, with a release to appear, or the bail bond could be as high as $30K in the case of a 1st-degree felony.

    1. False Statement To Obtain Property Or Credit Or In The Provision Of Certain Services

Depending on the value of the property or the amount of credit, this offense can be enhanced all the way up to a 1st-degree felony (with every other charge in between). It could be as low as a $0 bail bond for a Class C misdemeanor, with a release to appear, or the bail bond could be as high as $30K in the case of a 1st-degree felony.

    1. Issuance Of Bad Check

This offense is enhanced to a Class B misdemeanor when the bad check is a child support payment. The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000.

    1. Voyeurism

There is no bail bond amount, and the defendant is released to appear.

    1. Unlawful Electronic Transmission Of Sexually Explicit Visual Material

There is no bail bond amount, and the defendant is released to appear.

    1. Electronic Data Tampering

Depending on the aggregate amount involved, this offense can be enhanced and go all the way up to a 1st-degree felony (with every other charge in between). It could be as low as a $0 bail bond for a Class C misdemeanor, with a release to appear, or the bail bond could be as high as $30K in the case of a 1st-degree felony.

    1. Gambling

There is no bail bond amount, and the defendant is released to appear.

    1. Insurance Fraud

Depending on the value of the claim, this charge can go all the way up to a 1st Degree Felony (with every other charge in between). It is also a 1st-degree felony if the offense places a person in death or serious bodily injury. It could be as low as a $0 bail bond for a Class C misdemeanor, with a release to appear, or the bail bond could be much higher depending on the class. A 1st-degree felony bail bond amount can range from $30K-$500K. A 1st-degree insurance fraud case will have a higher bail bond amount if someone gets hurts or dies, as it is morally bad, and a victim has been involved.

    1. Health Care Fraud

Depending on the number of claims and the value of the benefit, this charge can go all the way up to a 1st-degree felony (with every other charge in between). It could be as low as a $0 bail bond as a Class C misdemeanor, with a release to appear, or the bail bond could be as high as $30K in the case of a 1st Degree Felony.

    1. Deceptive Preparation And Marketing Of Academic Product

There is no bail bond amount, and the defendant is released to appear.

Class B Misdemeanors, Enhancements, and Bail Bond Amounts

The next level of a misdemeanor offense that someone can be charged with is a Class B. The punishment according to Sec. 12.22 of the Texas Criminal Penal code states, “An individual convicted of a Class B misdemeanor shall be punished by:(1) a fine not to exceed $2,000;(2) confinement in jail for a term not to exceed 180 days; or (3) both such fine and confinement.” Bail bond amounts for a Class B misdemeanor can range from $100-$8K depending on the offense.

    1. DWI (Driving While Intoxicated)

A DWI Class B misdemeanor bail bond will range from $1,000-$3,000. If the alcohol concentration level is above a .08, the bail bond amount could be anywhere from $1,000-$7,000. If an accident is involved, the bail bond will likely be increased, and it could range from $5,000-$8,000. A DWI is enhanced to a Class A misdemeanor when someone’s alcohol concentration level is 0.15 or higher. It will also be enhanced to a Class A misdemeanor when someone has previously been convicted of a DWI, and an Ignition Interlock Device will also be required. These Class A misdemeanor charges can have bail bond bonds ranging anywhere from $3,000-$7,000. A DWI is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony when someone has been convicted of a DWI two or more times. Potential bail bond amounts for 3rd-degree felonies range from $10K-$20K.

    1. Boating While Intoxicated

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$5,000.

    1. Possession of Marijuana (POM)

The bail bond amount can range from $100-$500. Depending on the amount of marijuana, this charge could also go up to a 2nd-degree felony (or a charge in between). Because this charge isn’t considered to be morally bad, and there is no victim, this 2nd-degree felony bail bond amount will be closer to $15K.

If a drug offense takes place in a drug-free zone, that will make your charge one level higher than it normally would be. So if possession of a controlled substance is normally a Class A misdemeanor, allegedly committing the offense in a drug-free zone would automatically bump it up to a state jail felony. It won’t be an additional charge that you need to pay an additional bail bond amount, but it will make your bail bond amount for the drug charge higher than a non-drug-free zone.

    1. Delivery Of Marijuana

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000. This charge can also be enhanced depending on the amount of marijuana being delivered. It can go all the way up to a 1st-degree felony (with every charge in between). 1st-degree felonies have bail bond amounts that range from $30K–$500K.

    1. Possession Of Controlled Substance

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000. This offense can be enhanced depending on the drug and the number of drugs. It can go all the way up to a 1st-degree felony (with every charge in between). 1st-degree felonies have bail bond amounts that range from $30K–$500K. A bail bond for a 1st-degree possession charge will likely be on the lower end of that range.

    1. Falsification Of Drug Test Results

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000.

    1. Obstructing Highway Or Other Passageway

The bail bond amount can range from $500-$1,000.

    1. Disrupting Meeting Or Procession

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000.

    1. Interference With Public Duties

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000.

    1. Riot

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000.

    1. False Identification As Peace Officer; Misrepresentation Of Property

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000.

    1. False Report To Peace Officer, Federal Special Investigator, Law Enforcement Employee, Corrections Officer, or jailer

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000.

    1. Silent Or Abusive Calls To 9-1-1 Service

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000.

    1. Criminal Trespass

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000. This charge can be enhanced to a Class A misdemeanor depending on whether it is committed in a home or shelter center, or if the person carried a deadly weapon during the offense. The bail bond amount could be upwards of $5,000.

    1. Terroristic Threat

This Class B offense can have a bail bond of upwards of $3,000 because it involves a victim, and it is morally wrong. It can become enhanced to a Class A misdemeanor when committed against a member of your family or household, or if it is committed against a public servant. The bail bond amount could be as high as $5,000. And if it is committed against a peace officer, it can be enhanced to a state jail felony, with a bail bond of up to $10K.

    1. Harassment

When a harassment charge is filed, there is a victim involved, and it is considered to be morally bad. This Class B misdemeanor harassment will have a higher bail bond amount of $3,000. It will be enhanced to a class A misdemeanor if someone has previously been convicted, if the victim is a child under 18 and commits suicide or gets hurt, or someone has previously violated a temporary restraining order or injunction. The bail bond in these cases will be much higher, close to $10K or more.

    1. Prostitution

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000. It will be enhanced to class A or state jail felony depending on previous convictions. Class A misdemeanors can have bail bond amounts ranging from $3,000-$7,000. It is a 2nd-degree felony when someone engages with a person under 18. Those bail bond amounts can range from $15K-$50K.

    1. Indecent Exposure

Indecent exposure could mean a few different things. Necking in your car could be considered indecent exposure, which has no victim and isn’t considered to be morally wrong. A bail bond amount for that will be on the lower side of about $1,000. Someone who exposes themself purposely in front of someone is a different story. This is also indecent exposure, and because this has a victim and is considered much more morally wrong, the bail bond amount will be higher, at about $3,000.

    1. Enticing a Child

This is a morally bad offense that includes a victim. This bail bond will be on the higher side, closer to $3,000.

    1. Breach Of Computer Security

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000.Enhanced — Convicted two or more times or computer is owned by the government or critical infrastructure — State Jail Felony

    1. Unauthorized Acquisition Or Transfer Of Certain Financial Information

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000. This charge will be enhanced to a Class A Misdemeanor when information obtained is transferred to a third party. The bail bond amount range for a Class A is $3,000-$7,000.

    1. Fraudulent, Substandard, Or Fictitious Degree

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000.

    1. Fraudulent Or Fictitious Military Record

The bail bond amount can range from $1,000-$3,000.

Class A Misdemeanors, Enhancements, and Bail Bond Amounts

The highest level Misdemeanor that someone can be charged with is a Class A. The punishment according to Sec.12.21 of the Texas Criminal Penal Code states, “An individual convicted of a Class A misdemeanor shall be punished by:(1) a fine not to exceed $4,000; (2) confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year; or (3) both such fine and confinement”. Class A misdemeanor bail bond amounts can range from $3,000-$15K depending on the offense.

    1. Assault Family Violence (AFV)

Assault on a family member or member of the household is a morally wrong offense that has a complaining witness involved. Therefore this charge will have a bail bond range of $5,000-$15K depending on what is alleged in the probable cause affidavit. This charge is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony when there has been a previous conviction or the charge is continuous violence (more than one alleged AFV in a year). This bail bond amount can range from $10K-$20K depending on the allegations.

    1. Violation Of Protective Order

When this offense is a Class A, the bail bond amount will probably be on the higher side of around $5,000-$7,000 because a victim is involved, and this is a morally wrong offense. It is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony when someone has been convicted two or more times or violated the order by committing an assault. Then the bail bond amount can range from $10K-$20K.

    1. Violation Of Certain Court Orders Or Conditions Of Bond In A Family Violence, Child Abuse Or Neglect, Sexual Assault Or Abuse, Indecent Assault, Stalking, Or Trafficking Case

Court orders are issued to protect victims of a crime, so when these orders are violated against someone, it is considered to be morally wrong. Bail bond amounts for this Class A misdemeanor will be higher, closer to $7,000. This charge is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony when it is repeated, along with a bail bond amount that can range from $10K-$20K.

    1. Deadly Conduct

Deadly conduct is a serious charge that can have a bail bond amount in the $5,000 range. This charge is enhanced when someone discharges a firearm at someone, making it a 3rd-degree felony. The bail bond amount range for a 3rd-degree felony is $10K-$20K.

    1. Indecent Assault

This morally wrong offense with a victim will have a bail bond amount on the higher side, closer to $7,000.

    1. Unlawful Restraint

This morally wrong offense with a victim will have a bail bond amount on the higher side, closer to $7,000

    1. Interference With Emergency Request For Assistance

When someone needs help and you interfere with them making a 911 call, this is the charge that comes along with it. This bail bond could go up to $10K because of its seriousness. It’s enhanced to state jail felony if someone has previously been convicted. This state jail felony bail bond amount could be even higher.

    1. False Alarm Or Report

If someone commits this offense, their bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000, depending on the nature of the false alarm or report. It can be enhanced to a state jail felony depending on where the false emergency is reported, with a bail bond amount that could be increased to $10K.

    1. Cruelty To Livestock Animals/Non-Livestock Animals

People in Austin love their pets. This morally bad charge is going to have a higher bail bond amount because there is a furry victim involved, putting the bail bond amount closer to $5,000-$7,000. It can be enhanced to a higher charge based on prior convictions.

    1. Public Lewdness

This Class A misdemeanor will have a bail bond amount closer to $3,000.

    1. Possession Of Dangerous Drug

This Class A misdemeanor will have a bail bond amount closer to $3,000.

    1. Operation Of Stash House

This Class A misdemeanor will have a bail bond amount closer to $3,000.

    1. Unlawful Carrying Weapons

Depending on where weapons are being carried will depend on the seriousness of the charges and ultimately the amount of the bail bond. If someone has a weapon near a school, this is going to be way more of a problem. The bail bond amount in this case is going to be higher, closer to $7,000. This charge is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony if the offense is committed on any premises licensed or issued a permit by this state for the sale of alcoholic beverages. So having a gun at a bar on 6th St. in Austin is going to come with a bail bond amount that will range from $10K-$20K.

    1. Discharge Of Firearm In Certain Municipalities

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000.

    1. Resisting Arrest, Search, Or Transportation

Resisting isn’t considered a morally wrong offense or involve a victim. A bail bond amount for this charge will be closer to $3,000-$5,000. This charge is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony when a weapon is involved. This bail bond amount will be closer to $10K in that case.

    1. Hindering Apprehension Or Prosecution

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000. It is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony if the charge of the person who is being hidden is a felon or they have been previously convicted of a felony. The bail bond amount will be closer to $10K for a 3rd-degree offense.

    1. Evading Arrest Or Detention (On Foot)

Evading usually isn’t considered a morally wrong offense or involve a victim. A bail bond amount for this charge will be closer to $3,000-$5,000. It is enhanced to a state jail felony when previously convicted or when evading in a vehicle, putting it closer to an $8,000 bail bond amount. If someone has been convicted of this offense as a state jail felony, or someone is injured while evading, it is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony with a $10K bond. If someone dies, it becomes a 2nd-degree felony, with a minimum bail bond of $20K.

    1. Escape

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000. It is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony if the offense someone is in jail for was a felony, putting the bail bond amount closer to $10K. It will be enhanced to a 2nd or 1st-degree felony if the escape resulted in injury or a deadly weapon was used, with a bail bond amount upwards of $30K.

    1. Burglary Of Vehicles

Burglarizing a vehicle is a serious offense that can have a bail bond amount ranging from $5,000-$7,000. This charge is enhanced to a state jail felony when someone is convicted two or more times. A state jail felony bail bond, in this case, can be closer to $10K.

    1. Burglary Of Coin-operated Or Coin Collection Machines

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000. Because there is no physical victim, the bail bond amount will probably be closer to $3,000.

    1. Criminal Simulation

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000.

    1. Forgery

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$5,000. It will be enhanced depending on what is being forged. It could be charged as a state jail felony, with a bail bond amount of around $8,000; or it could be charged as a 3rd-degree felony with a bail bond amount of $10K.

    1. Perjury

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000. Because there is no physical victim, the bail bond amount will probably be closer to $3,000.

    1. Hindering Proceedings By Disorderly Conduct

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000. Because there is no physical victim, the bail bond amount will probably be closer to $3,000.

    1. Offering Gift To Public Servant

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000. Because there is no physical victim, the bail bond amount will probably be closer to $3,000.

    1. Coercion Of Public Servant Or Voter

Because this offense is more serious being that it is morally bad to coerce someone, the bail bond amount is going to be closer to $7,000. This charge is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony when the coercion is a threat to commit a felony.

    1. Tampering With Identification Numbers

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000. Because there is no physical victim, the bail bond amount will probably be closer to $3,000.

    1. Tampering With Governmental Record

This offense can start as a Class A misdemeanor when someone allegedly alters a government record, with a bail bond amount of around $3,000-$5,000. It can be enhanced to a state jail felony if there was an intention to harm someone else. In this case, the bail bond amount will be closer to $10K.

    1. Mail Theft

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000. Because there is no physical victim, the bail bond amount will probably be closer to $3,000. However, this charge can be enhanced depending on how many addresses the mail was appropriated from and if there was any identifying information (which means potential victims). It can go all the way up to 1st-degree felony, with at least a $30K bail bond amount.

    1. Harboring Runaway Child

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000.

    1. Online Impersonation

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000. This charge is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony when it is on a website or social networking site, putting the bail bond closer to $10K.

    1. Stealing Or Receiving Stolen Check

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000.

    1. Possession, Manufacture, Or Distribution Of Certain Instruments Used To Commit Retail Theft

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000.

    1. Gambling Promotion/ Keeping A Gambling Place

The bail bond amount can range from $3,000-$7,000.

State Jail Felonies, Enhancements, and Bail Bond Amounts

The lowest level of felonies is a state jail felony. The punishment according to Sec. 12.35 of the Texas Criminal Penal Code states, “an individual convicted of a state jail felony shall be punished by confinement in a state jail for any term of not more than two years or less than 180 days. (b) In addition to confinement, an individual convicted of a state jail felony may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000.” The bail bond amounts for a state jail felony range from $3,000-$10K.

    1. Unauthorized Use Of A Motor Vehicle (UUMV)

Because this offense involves someone who has had their car stolen, the bail bond amount will be closer to $10K.

    1. Fraudulent Transfer Of A Motor Vehicle

This charge will be on the lower side for bail bonds, around $3,000-$5,000, since it isn’t a morally bad offense. This charge can be enhanced, however, depending on the value of the motor vehicle. It can be charged as a 3rd, 2nd, or 1st-degree felony. The bail bond amount could range from $10K-$30K depending on the level of the charge.

    1. Burglary of a Building

A state jail felony burglary bail bond can be as high as $10k. A burglary charge will be enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony if the burglary takes place in a building where a controlled substance is generally stored. The bail bond amount in this case will range from $10K-$20K. Burglary of a habitation charge is a 2nd-degree felony, with bond amounts ranging from $15K-$50K.

    1. Credit Card Or Debit Card Abuse

This charge could have a bail bond amount up to $10K because a victim is involved. The offense is enhanced to a 3rd-degree felony when it is committed against an elderly person, along with a bail bond amount up to $20K.

    1. Fraudulent Use Or Possession Of Credit Card Or Debit Card Information

A bail bond amount could range from $5,000-$10K. This charge can be enhanced to a higher felony depending on how many items are obtained, possessed, transferred, or used.

    1. Fraudulent Use Or Possession Of Identifying Information

A bail bond amount could range from $5,000-$10K when this offense is charged as a state jail felony. It can become enhanced to a 3rd, 2nd, or 1st-degree felony depending on the number of items obtained, possessed, transferred, or used. The bail bond amount could range from $30K-$500K for a 1st-degree felony.

    1. Injury To A Child, Elderly Individual, Or Disabled Individual

A bail bond amount for this charge can go up to $10K because a victim is involved, and it is morally wrong. This offense can also be enhanced to a 3rd, 2nd, or 1st-degree felony. This depends on whether it was committed negligently, recklessly, intentionally, or knowingly. It also depends if it was a caregiver (in and out of facilities). Bond amounts for this 3rd-degree felony can start at $30K and can go all the way up to $100K for a 1st-degree felony.

    1. Abandoning Or Endangering Child

With a victim involved in this morally bad offense, a bail bond amount for this charge is going to be closer to $10K. This charge can be enhanced to a 2nd-degree felony if a child is abandoned under circumstances that place the child in imminent danger of death, bodily injury, or physical or mental impairment. The bail bond amount for this 2nd-degree felony will be closer to $50K.

    1. Criminal Nonsupport

A bail bond amount could range from $3,000-$10K.

    1. Manufacture Of Dangerous Drug

A bail bond amount could be up to $5K. Manufacturing charges are much more serious than possession charges, making the bail bond amounts much higher.

    1. Delivery Or Offer Of Delivery Of Dangerous Drug

A bail bond amount could be up to $5K. Delivery charges are much more serious than possession charges, making the bail bond amounts much higher.

    1. Manufacture Or Delivery Of Controlled Substance

This serious charge can come with a bail bond amount upwards of $10K. This offense can be enhanced to a 3rd, 2nd, or 1st-degree felony depending on what the drug is and the amount. A 3rd-degree felony will have a bail bond of about $20K, a 2nd-degree felony of $50K, and a 1st-degree felony of $100K.

    1. Invasive Visual Recording

Because this offense is morally wrong and involves a victim, the bail bond amount could be closer to $10K.

    1. Unlawful Disclosure Or Promotion Of Intimate Visual Material

Because this offense is morally wrong and involves a victim, the bail bond amount could be closer to $10K.

    1. Sexual Coercion

Because this offense is morally wrong and involves a victim, the bail bond amount could be closer to $10K.

    1. Bestiality

A bail bond amount could range from $3,000-$10K.

    1. Money Laundering

While this charge as a state jail felony could put the bail bond amount of upwards of $10K, depending on the value of the funds, it can be enhanced to a 3rd, 2nd, or 1st-degree felony. The bail bond amount could range from $30K-$100K for a 1st-degree felony.

3rd Degree Felonies, Enhancements, and Bail Bond Amounts

The next level of felony offenses is the 3rd-degree felony. Per Sec. 12.34 of the Texas Criminal Penal Code, the punishment for a 3rd-degree felony states, “(a) An individual convicted of a felony of the third degree shall be punished by imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for any term of not more than 10 years or less than 2 years. (b) In addition to imprisonment, an individual convicted of a felony of the third degree may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000.” The bail bond amounts for a 3rd-degree felony can range from $10K-$20K.

    1. Driving While Intoxicated With Child Passenger

The bail bond amount can range from $10K-$20K.

    1. Intoxication Assault

Because this offense involves a victim and is considered morally wrong, the bail bond amount will likely be on the higher end of about $20K.

    1. Continuous Violence Against The Family

Because this offense involves a victim and is considered morally wrong, the bail bond amount will likely be on the higher end of about $20K.

    1. Indecency With A Child — either defendant or child is exposed

Because this offense involves a victim and is considered morally wrong, the bail bond amount will likely be on the higher end of about $20K

    1. Harassment Of Public Servant

The bail bond amount can range from $10K-$20K.

    1. Impersonating Public Servant

The bail bond amount will be closer to $10K.

    1. Tampering With Or Fabricating Physical Evidence

When this offense is a 3rd-degree felony charge, the bail bond amount can range from $10K-$20K. This charge could be enhanced to a 2nd-degree felony if it is the case when a human corpse is altered, destroyed, or concealed. The bail bond in this instance would range from $15K-$50K.

    1. Prohibited Substances And Items In Correctional Or Civil Commitment Facility

The bail bond amount will be closer to $10K.

    1. Obstruction Or Retaliation

When this offense is a 3rd-degree felony charge, the bail bond amount can range from $10K-$20K. It can be enhanced to a 2nd-degree felony if the victim was harmed or threatened. In that case, the bail bond amount can range from $15K-$50K.

    1. Tampering With Witness

The witness in this case is part of an already pending case. If they are tampered with, they are now the victim of this new offense, which is morally bad. When this offense is a 3rd-degree felony charge, the bail bond amount will be closer to $20K. However, if this offense is charged in conjunction with a pending 2nd-degree felony case, the tampering charge will be filed as a 2nd-degree felony, the bail bond amount will be on the higher side, closer to $50K. If this offense is charged in conjunction with a pending 1st-degree felony case, the tampering charge will be filed as a 1st-degree felony, the bail bond amount will be on the higher side, closer to $100K.

    1. Stalking

Since stalking will always have a victim, a 3rd-degree felony stalking charge will come with it a bail bond closer to $20K. It will be enhanced to a 2nd-degree felony if previously convicted with a bail bond that will be closer to $50K.

    1. Kidnapping

Kidnapping is a serious offense against a person that is morally wrong. This bail bond amount will be higher because of that, closer to $20K.

    1. Smuggling Of Persons

Because a victim or victims are involved, and this is considered to be a morally wrong offense, the bail bond amount will be closer to $20K.

    1. Exploitation Of Child, Elderly Individual, Or Disabled Individual

Because a victim or victims are involved, and this is considered to be a morally wrong offense, the bail bond amount will be closer to $20K.

    1. Sale Or Purchase Of Child

Because a victim is involved, and this is considered to be a morally wrong offense, the bail bond amount will be closer to $20K.

    1. Online Solicitation Of A Minor

Because a victim is involved, and this is considered to be a morally wrong offense, the bail bond amount will be closer to $20K. This charge will be enhanced to a 2nd-degree felony if the minor is under 14 years old. The bail bond amount for that will be closer to $50K.

    1. Promotion Of Prostitution

Because this is considered to be a morally wrong offense, the bail bond amount will be closer to $20K. It is enhanced to a 2nd degree if someone has been previously convicted, with a bail bond amount closer to $50K. It is enhanced to a 1st degree if engaged with a person under 18, with a bail bond amount closer to $100K.

    1. Online Promotion Of Prostitution

Because this is considered to be a morally wrong offense, the bail bond amount will be closer to $20K. It is enhanced to a 2nd degree if someone has been previously convicted or if engaged with a person under 18, with a bail bond amount closer to $50K.

    1. Prohibited Sexual Conduct

Because this is considered to be a morally wrong offense, and a victim could be involved, the bail bond amount will be closer to $20K. This charge can be enhanced to a 2nd-degree felony if the parties involved are related by blood or adoption. The bail bond amount for a 2nd-degree felony can range from $15K-$50K.

    1. Bigamy

The bail bond amount for this 3rd-degree felony can range from $15K-$50K.

2nd Degree Felonies, Enhancements, and Bail Bond Amounts

The next level of felony offenses is classified as a 2nd-degree felony. According to Sec. 12.33 of the Texas Criminal Penal Code, the punishment for a 2nd-degree felony states that “(a) An individual convicted of a felony of the second degree shall be punished by imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for any term of not more than 20 years or less than 2 years. (b) In addition to imprisonment, an individual convicted of a felony of the second degree may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000.” Bail bond amounts for a 2nd-degree felony can range from $15K-$50K.

    1. Intoxication Manslaughter

Because this 2nd-degree felony charge is morally bad and will have a victim or victims involved, the bail bond amount will be closer to $50K.

    1. Robbery

Robbery is a morally wrong offense. Depending on the allegations of this very broad charge, the bail bond amount could range from $15K-$50K.

    1. Arson

An arson charge will come with a bail bond amount ranging from $15K-$50K. An example of when it will be lower is when a fire is set in a field or some remote place. The charge will be enhanced to a 1st-degree felony when there is a victim of bodily injury or death, or the arson is committed against a home or church. When a victim is involved and because this is a morally wrong offense, the bail bond will be close to $100K.

    1. Indecency With A Child — Sexual Contact

This is an egregious offense with a victim involved. The bail bond amount for this charge can be upwards of $50K.

    1. Aggravated Assault

This is a morally wrong offense committed against another person. The bail bond amount for this charge can be upwards of $50K.

    1. Sexual Assault

This is a heinous offense committed against someone else. The bail bond amount for this charge can be upwards of $50K.

    1. Improper Relationship Between Educator And Student

This is a morally wrong offense with an alleged victim. The bail bond amount can range from $5,000 to $250,000, depending on the county.

    1. Trafficking Of Persons

Trafficking of persons is a very serious charge that can have multiple victims involved. It is extremely morally wrong. This charge will have a bail bond amount closer to $50K.

    1. Bribery

A bail bond amount for this offense can be closer to $15K.

    1. Tampering With Consumer Product

Depending on the intent to which someone tampers with a consumer product, it could be considered a morally bad offense. The bail bond amount for this can range from $15K-$50K.

1st Degree Felonies, Enhancements, and Bail Bond Amounts

The highest level of an offense that someone can be charged with is a 1st-degree felony. According to Sec. 12.32 of the Texas Criminal Penal Code, the punishment range for a 1st-degree felony is as follows: “(a) An individual convicted of a felony of the first degree shall be punished by imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for life or for any term of not more than 99 years or less than 5 years. (b) In addition to imprisonment, an individual convicted of a felony of the first degree may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000.” The bail bond amount for a 1st-degree felony can range from $30K-$500K.

    1. Criminal Homicide

Criminal homicide can include the following charges: Murder, Capital Murder, Manslaughter, or Criminally Negligent Homicide, These are the worst offenses that someone can commit. The bail bond amount for criminal homicide will be closer to $500K.

    1. Aggravated Kidnapping

This egregious charge involving a victim or victims will have a bail bond amount closer to $500K.

    1. Continuous Trafficking Of Persons

With victims involved and being morally reprehensible, the bail bond amount can be as high as $500K.

    1. Continuous Sexual Abuse Of Young Child Or Children

The heinous nature against a child victim will have a bail bond amount as high as $500K.

    1. Aggravated Sexual Assault

This egregious charge involving a victim will have a bail bond amount closer to $500K.

    1. Aggravated Robbery

Aggravated robbery is when a robbery is committed and the defendant uses or exhibits a deadly weapon, or they cause bodily injury or threatens injury or death. This bail bond amount can be upwards of $500K.

If you are charged with engaging in organized criminal activity, this is an additional charge to the original offense for which you are being arrested. This separate charge will be one level degree higher than the alleged offense being committed. So if the original charge is a 2nd-degree robbery, the engaging in organized criminal activity will be a 1st-degree felony charge, with its own bail bond amount on top of the robbery bail bond.

    1. Aggravated Promotion Of Prostitution / Compelling Prostitution

This offense is when someone is forcing another person to participate in prostitution against their will, involving a victim, and is considered to be morally wrong. This bail bond amount can be upwards of $500K.

    1. Tampering With Direct Recording Electronic Voting Machine

This offense can have a bail bond amount closer to $30K.

How to Satisfy Your Austin Bail Bond

In most cases, getting out with a Lawyer is preferred over getting out with an Austin Bail Bondsman. Your loved one gets out of jail and they have a lawyer. But for Assault Family Violence, it is not so black and white.

First, we must discuss magistration and the conditions added by the judge during magistration. These are the required conditions of getting out of jail no matter what. With an Austin Bail Bondsman, with a lawyer, with a cash bond. So it doesn’t matter what way your loved one uses to get out of jail. For example, if GPS in jail, an ankle monitor, is a required condition of getting out of jail, there is no advantage to getting out of jail with an Austin Bail Bondsman. So get a Lawyer to get your loved one out.

But if there are no conditions of magistration, then a judge might put extra conditions like No Contact with Complaining Witness (by phone, email, or in-person). Or the judge might put extra conditions like Stay Away 200 yards from Complaining Witness. If the judge puts these as conditions in addition to the bail bond, it is very difficult for couples to stay together. This is impractical for most families because they live together and the condition can last for the entire case, which can be up to 2 years if your loved one requests a trial.

Or you can try a hybrid approach. Have the lawyer try to get a personal bond with the judge with no conditions. This is possible most of the time if there is a supportive Victim Input form that the Complaining Witness. If the judge doesn’t add extra conditions, then turn in the Personal Bond. If the judge adds extra conditions on the bond, then get an Austin Bail Bondsman.

So there is more than one smart way to satisfy an Austin bail bond. There are bond conditions a judge could add for a Personal Bond, which is the legal vehicle a lawyer uses to get people out. But a good lawyer can go to a judge who is most willing to consider all the facts and not put extra conditions. Or put lighter conditions like a Family Violence Evaluation. Or an Alcohol Evaluation if drugs or alcohol were involved.

One disadvantage to getting out with an Austin Bail Bondsman is that you have to constantly check-in. This is not required with a Lawyer. With an Austin Bail Bondsman, they also require your family members to get involved. They require them to cosign for you with collateral or a promise to pay your full bail bond if you don’t show up for court. Or you have to put up your own collateral.

Getting a Lawyer, on the other hand, will save you time and headache. There is no cosigner and there is no collateral.